Thursday, January 3, 2013

RINGing in the New Year!

We welcomed 2013 with a quiet night at home with our little munchkin! 

Emerson wasn't going to make it until midnight, so we did a little "pre countdown" with him which he found quite silly. We put the baby to bed around 8:30 so we'd have the rest of the evening to ourselves. Loving his tiny two teeth grin right now though... so precious!

We decided if we weren't going out for our usual fancy NYE dinner, we'd make one at home! We Steak, stuffed crab, white truffle and mushroom risotto (that was to DIE for) and creamed spinach hit the spot. It was so surreal sitting together at the table, music on and candles lit... how fast a year has gone by! We took a moment to count our many blessings this year, talk about new years resolutions we'd make as a family and just life in general. It was really quite romantic!

Then we tuned in to some New Year's Eve specials and enjoyed some cocktails...

We counted down to our first kiss of 2013 and celebrated with a bottle of champagne!

2012 was such an incredible year for our little family and we have high hopes for 2013 to be just as amazing! Cheers friends. God Bless and Happy happy New Year!

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