Friday, January 11, 2013

Ring Resolutions

It's day 11 of 2013 and yes, we're just getting a start on our New Years resolutions around the Ring household. Better late than never I always say! Instead of individual resolutions that always seem to dissolve as the months pass, Derek and I decided to make family resolutions that we can encourage each other to stick to. We thought sharing them on the blog may help keep us more accountable for our resolutions, so here they are!

For our son:

1. Have more creative play dates with Emerson. It's so easy to jump into the playroom and play with those favorite light up musical toys all day long. While these developmental toys are fun, this year we want to make it a point to integrate more creative sensory play into our routine. Here are some great examples of what I'm talking about:

2. Attend a group class. Socializing Emerson will become essential in 2013. He is now 10 months old and he is so outgoing and friendly. We'd love to encourage this by getting him involved with a class that centers around children his age. We're currently looking into opportunities at our church, library, Gymboree and even the YMCA. Any suggestions would be awesome!

3. Since having Emerson, Derek and I stopped going to any sort of Sunday school class because we were just NOT ready to drop him off in the nursery. This year we're resolving to get back into a class and then attending service in the Sanctuary together afterwards. Ugh, so nervous! But we can do it... right?

For our family & friends:

1. To visit more. I can't even count the times Derek and I have said "We're the ones who just had a baby, they should come to us!". Although we still feel that's true and would love for our family and friends to make a greater effort, we're willing to meet halfway... literally! We're resolving to visit our Houston family and friends every other month in 2013. We're hoping that will enourage others to come to US in the between months. That's fair right?

2. To be more social (and I DON'T mean facebook). Social media and texting is such a trap. It's so easy to send a quick note via these outlets than it is to pick up the phone and Derek and I are both guilty of this. Don't worry, we're not deleting facebook! In 2013 we just want to let our mouths do more of the talking than our fingers!

For us:

1. Derek and I are guilty of skipping date night a little too often. Some times we're just SO exhausted and going to bed early or sleeping in sounds much more romantic than having to get dressed up and drag ourselves out. Instead of a weekly date night out which was overwhelming to maintain, we have decided to go out every other week. This allows of to still have our lazy nights at home but forces us to get up and get out too. It's actually fun coming up with new things to do and places to go. We love this guide from!

2. Take more vacations! This year we already have a few vacations on the books (some even sans baby!). We know as we expand our family it's just going to get harder for us to go away, so this year while it's still just the three of us we want to go on a few adventures!

What are your 2013 resolutions? Goals, hopes, dreams? Tell me all about it in the comments and let's encourage each other this year!

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