Saturday, January 12, 2013

Four Christmases

We were beyond excited about Emerson's first Christmas and we wanted to share our joy with everyone we hold near and dear. We knew it'd be hard and we'd be exhausted.. but we also knew it'd be totally worth it! Join us for a belated post on our FOUR Christmases (sorry so late, we're STILL recovering, ha!). 

First... We visited our Mississippi family for an early Christmas lunch and presents!

Emerson loved on his goodies...

And his cousin Savannah!

He stole some sugar from his great grandmother too. I think my Daddy looks just like his mom, hope Emerson still looks like me when he get's older. So sweet!

Then we were off to Tennessee for an early Christmas dinner and more gift exchanging! Emerson was so blessed this year and loved unwrapping gifts... even if they weren't for him! Hehe...

We all sat in awe when Emerson stood up on his own, holding onto nothing to admire Mamaw & Papaw Wells Christmas tree! What a fun memory that he stood up for the first time on his own at his great Grandparents house.

We came back home to North Dallas for Christmas with The Ring's. Emerson played while the rest of us decorated gingerbread! 

Love how our house came out!

Emerson helped with some last minute gift wrapping...

My sweet little man!

Christmas eve we opened gifts and Derek looked so handsome!

We cracked up over his "rein-beers"!

Then we headed to church for the candle light service which was beautiful. In the spirit of full disclosure, this is how Emerson went to church (with the addition of a blankie and shoes of course). I had bought knee socks for this outfit in Tennessee and we lost them on the trip. After having a regrettable melt down about it, we just rolled with it. Not a moment I'm proud of, but the service was just what I needed to get back to the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas!

When we got home we all got into our jammies (which deserves a whole post of it's own!) and set out our cookies and carrots for Santa and his reindeer.

We took this picture first thing Christmas morning... Happy Birthday Jesus! Shortly after we loaded up the car and headed to Austin for Christmas with the Ward's!

Emerson with his great granny! She is in her late 80's and got on the floor and crawled all over the house with him. It was beyond precious and we are so happy to have caught it on video!

Emerson had a ball with his Austin family and was so giggly and happy!

We had such a wonderful meal and love our Uncle Dace & Aunt Laura's home. She is such a lovely hostess. So blessed to have them!

We drove home after dinner and presents in Austin. Much to our surprise we came home to a white Christmas! How incredible! God has blessed us so much this year and when I saw all of this snow I was just breathless! How great is our God? How amazing was this Christmas? As you can see our four Christmases was quite the adventure. We made so many wonderful memories for baby's first Christmas. So blessed.

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