Sunday, July 22, 2012

Month Three Favorites

I am a little behind posting our favorite things of the past month, but better late than never right? Here is what we were loving at our house this month!

month three favorites

  1. Boon Flo Water Deflector & Faucet Cover - We use this every night at bath time and love that you can dispense bubble bath with a simple push of a button. This also helps the water to fall more gently from the faucet.
  2. Frog Hooded Towel - We have bought a couple hooded towels since integrating bath time into our nightly routine, but this one is by far the favorite right now.
  3. UppaBaby Vista Stroller - I was using the bassinet feature on our stroller (which I loved) up until this month when Emerson became too tall for it! Now we are "strolling" in the upright seat and E loves being able to look around and take in the sights from this position. 
  4. Bright Starts Zebra Toy - Emerson LOVES this zebra. It's his go to toy this month.
  5. Fisher Price Kick Play Piano Gym - Emerson has been really into kicking (hard!) lately and this has been perfect for that!
  6. Evenflo Johnny Jump Up - To be honest, I was terrified to put my baby in something that hung from the door frame. I put pillows and beach towels underneath him in fear he would flip out of it or it would fall down. The moment we put him in the jumper he proceeded to kick down my protective pillow tower and started jumping with glee! This kid is fearless and ALL BOY! 
  7. Earth's Best Rice Cereal - We were advised by our pediatrician at Emerson's three month check up that we could begin rice cereal if we wanted to supplement breast and formula feeding. We started out with this rice cereal and it was a HUGE hit. Emerson can really put this stuff away! This month he was also loving organic apple juice too! 
  8. The Bumbo Seat & Tray - Emerson is to the point that unless he is laying on his play mat or on his tummy, he refuses to be horizontal. The Bumbo has been great for keeping him upright while feeding him or when I don't have enough hands to hold him. I love the tray because put his toys on it so he has easy access.
  9.  Boon Grass Drying Rack - We have been using this drying rack from day one, but now that we are feeding Emerson from the bottle more, we are getting even more use out of it. The drying rack has been great for keeping things sanitized quickly.

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