Monday, July 23, 2012

What's In My (Diaper) Bag

I'm a nosy rosy by nature and I LOVE knowing what other women carry around to make life a little easier. So I thought I'd indulge others curiosity by revealing what's in my diaper bag. Here is what I tote around on a daily basis! 

  1. My Diaper Bag, The Annette by Timi & Leslie. I adore this bag because I get so many compliments on my PURSE. People don't even realize it's a diaper bag unless I tell them. Also included with the bag was a changing pad with storage pocket, stroller straps, a shoulder strap, an insulated bottle bag and the best part... a matching clutch for Mommy that has a makeup pocket and credit card/id slots.
  2. Pampers diapers - I don't know what it is, but I LOVE Pampers diapers over all that we have tried. I slip a handful into the storage pocket of my changing pad and I'm good to go!
  3. Arm & Hammer Pacifier Wipes - I use these wipes to sanitize anything Emerson is going to put in his mouth while were out. This includes toys, bottle nipples and yes, pacifiers!
  4. Boogie Wipes - These are genious! Baby E sometimes sneezes and his nose gets a bit runny too (Pediatrician says this usually means teething is on the way, yikes!) and these wipes keep him clean without being too harsh on his sweet baby skin.
  5. Huggies Wipes - Okay I don't know if it's some sort of conspirency but even though I love Pampers diapers, their wipes stink! I keep Huggies wipes on me at all times in the storage pocket of my changing pad with my diapers. Makes for an easy grab when it's time to change Emerson.
  6. A Spare Romper - Even the most prepared Momma can't anticipate an unexpected blowout, thus you must carry around an extra outfit in the diaper bag. I prefer a shortall, jon jon or romper because they are a one piece outfit and are more "dressed up" than a onesie.
  7. Swaddle Designs Burp Cloth - These are the most plush and absorbant burp cloths we have. I always keep one in the diaper bag for on the go feedings.
  8. Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets - By far the most versatile lightweight swaddle blanket. They wash beautifully and are so soft. I keep one rolled up in the diaper bag to use in chilly restaurants or over the carseat to keep out nosy onlookers.
  9. BooginHead Pacifier clip - I keep this in the diaper bag ready for when Emerson needs his paci. He usually doesn't care for the pacifier, but with this clip it keeps it handy in case he decides he does!
  10. Stroller toy - I pack one toy with me at all times. You never know when you will be stuck somewhere or in traffic needing to entertain baby to prevent a meltdown.
  11. Hand sanitizer - Pretty much self explanitary. Sanitize before snuggles we say!
  12. Babyganics On The Go Stain Eraser - This organic stain eraser is safe to use on E's clothes even while he is still in them, preventing stains from setting in before we can get home to wash them out.
  13. Burt's Bees Lotion - I love that it's natural and the scent isn't overwhelming. I tend to use this for myself as well!
  14. Aveeno Sunscreen Stick - I keep this in the diaper bag because it's easy and quick to apply if we catch ourselves unexpectedly outside. I love that it's mess free!
  15. Arm & Hammer disposable diaper bag dispenser & bags - This portable waste bag dispenser is great for tossing dirty diapers in and knotting the bag closed when your out with the baby.  Because seriously who want's to be the mom who left a diaper bomb in the ladies room at brunch? Not me! :) Here's a picture of the dispenser below: 
Arm & Hammer by Munchkin Diaper Bag Dispenser with Bags, Lavender Scent

It's incredible that I can fit so much into one bag and it doesn't feel overstuffed or heavy at all! I'd love to see what other mom's carry around, so don't worry if you catch me peeking into your bag! Ha!

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