Monday, February 18, 2013

Emerson's First Valentines

Woah... the past weeks flew by me and I failed miserably at keeping up with the blog! Having a 10 month old will do that to a girl! But never fear, I'm getting back into the swing and ready to play a bit of catch up to bring the blog back up to speed. First, a sweet hello to anyone reading that has followed me since my very first blog that I began in 2007, Jeune Marie! I got several emails and a very kind comment from some "old friends" and just wanted to take a special moment to welcome all of you! Now, on to all of our Valentine's day goodness!

I had a fun little "DIY photoshoot" with my little cupid and used the pictures in Valentine's cards that I sent out to our family. It was a ton of fun! 
(Ignore the weirdly neon eyes, instagram filters make those precious baby blues looks crazy sometimes!)

Since Derek's birthday is the day after Valentine's I decided I would celebrate him every day until his birthday. I had seen 14 Days of Valentine's by Six Sister Stuff and thought it was just the cutest idea ever. I thought I would use their idea as inspiration and tailor the daily gifts to my hubby's most favorite things. He really enjoyed it and I loved doing something extra sweet for the most incredible guy I know!

For Emerson I kept Valentine's day relatively simple. We had some sweet V-day presents for him, a rubber duck, board book and the cutest little sunglasses you ever did see! I personalized a little mailbox for him that I will keep to fill with Valentine's through the years. Derek made steak and I made an arugula salad with dried cranberries and a delicious raspberry vinaigrette. We ate it up so fast I didn't pause to take a picture, it was that good! Man can cook an amazing steak... he's a keeper!

Here's Derek helping Emerson with his little Valentine's goodies! My most handsome Valentine's day dates. EVER.

Mommy and her little prince charming! Seriously adorable, melts my heart!

   Celebrating a day devoted to love with the loves of my life was so sweet. Sometimes I just stop and look around and say a little prayer. "Thank you Lord for all you have given me! You are a loving God and I am SO grateful!" Hope your heart day was just as happy! XOXO <3

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