Saturday, February 23, 2013

Baby Steps

I am so so so thrilled to report Emerson took his first steps today at the park! Derek was throwing the ball to Cowboy and Emerson got so excited watching he let go of my hands and charged toward our big yellow ball of fur! Here is Emerson watching Cowboy play fetch, he really loves that dog and their little bond makes my heart smile.

After Emerson took his little steps we were completely speechless and just looked at each other with the biggest grins! I scooped Emerson up in celebration, completely overjoyed and Derek snapped this picture of us. I was so estatic I didn't even consider that scrunching up my face because of the blinding sunset would cause a less than flattering extra chin appearance, haha! I was beyond elated and you can't capture moments like that unless they are completely candid. Even writing this hours later, I am SUCH a proud mommy I don't even care what I looked like!!  

As much as I try I just can't seem to figure out how to stop time. Emerson will be 11 months on the 29th and we speculate that by his first birthday he'll have mastered taking a few steps and have begun full fledged walking. It's scary, exciting and such a proud moment for Derek and I. 

Sweet Emerson,  
You have no idea but these first steps will be your biggest. 
There is so much ahead of you and you are bound for great things through Christ who will continue to guide you through each step you take, now and for always. 
"I follow Jesus so I shall not walk in darkness, but have all the light of life." - John 8:12

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