Monday, January 14, 2013

Introducing: Make It Happen Monday

Let's face it, the weekends are just WAY too short to get everything on our to do list done. Monday always seems to come too quickly and projects get pushed into the next weekend or never done at all. I've decided that I'm going to challenge myself to overcome my weekly case of the "Mondays" and instead of getting overwhelmed...I'm going to just "make it happen"! 

 Welcome to the very first Make it Happen Monday. Each Monday I'll post what projects, activities or to-do's that I plan to tackle that week. Some will be simple, some more challenging and let's be honest... some will be things that I have been putting off for FAR too long! So let's get started shall we?

Make it Happen Monday: Week 1/14 - 1/20

1. FINALLY take down and pack away Christmas (I know... ridiculous)
2.  Clean out the refridgerator
3. Organize and pack away Emerson's outgrown clothes (Donate/trash, keepsakes, hand-me-downs for future siblings)
4. Sensory bath play date with Emerson
5. Make a guest list for Emerson's first birthday

Want to join me? Let's Make it Happen! What's on your to do list this week?

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