Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby Blues

More creative play was a new years resolution of ours and also on my "Make it Happen Monday" list this week, so I thought we'd try a blue themed sensory bath! I picked through Emerson's bath toys, throwing in only blue items. I put a few drops of blue food dye in the water and poured in the bubble bath! 

To say Emerson loved his blue bath would be a grand understatement. He was enthusiastically splashing about and has never gotten this excited over a bath before. I can honestly say I was surprised but delighted that he had such a notable reaction!

I had hoped the bubbles would also be blue, but it didn't work out. Baby E didn't mind and I didn't want to pull a blue baby out of the tub... so I kept the dye to a minimum! 

Not only did he come out squeaky clean, but so did my tub! I was concerned it would stain but we were all good. I can't wait to try this again with another color. So cool, easy and best part? Baby boy napped long and hard after all of the fun!

1 comment:

  1. So fun! I cant wait to do stuff like that with M! Pink bath tub over here :) What a fun mom you are!

    You put my blog to shame lol..you're so caught up and I'm WAY behind!
