Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Night on the Polar Express

This Saturday after a day of shopping with my mom, I decided to have a festive movie night in! I found the cutest idea on pinterest and decided to adapt it a bit to suit our little crew. (Click HERE for link) After we had dinner I had everyone get cozy in the living room and then I brought them a little treat!

Popcorn, Hot chocolate and our tickets to board the Polar Express! All aboard....

The movie was great and my mom actually hadn't seen it before (and she has literally seen every Christmas movie EVER)! Our baby boy really loved all of the commotion and would bounce during the musical numbers. Here is Emerson's sweet grin enjoying the movie from the comfort of his bouncer, hehe!

And here I am, super excited and getting ready to surprise everyone with what was next! After the movie we were going "light looking" some place extra special!

We went to a particular house in McKinney that is well known for it's intricate dancing light display and it was pretty amazing.

It's hard to appreciate the awesomeness that is this house unless you see it in "person", so here is a video! Seriously it was so cool and I think my engineer hubby was completely obsessing on how they accomplished such a feat! What a fun evening. Love creating all of these special memories for our first Christmas with Emerson.


  1. What a fun evening! I love the Polar Express tickets :)

  2. What a fun mommy u are..such a cute idea! Looks like yall had a fun evening! Our nieces and nephews that range from ages 2-5 go every year on The Polar Express train ride! It's pretty neat. Next year Maci and her other cousin will get to join! Wanted to share the link incase you were interested for Emerson!

