Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fall Daze

I'm so happy that it's FINALLY feeling like fall in North Texas!So here are some of my favorite fall things at our house! 

Starting my mornings out with pumpkin spice...ANYTHING. Whether it's pumpkin spice chai or a latte I can't get enough. Even Derek jumped on the bandwagon this Sunday.

Sharing yummy treats! Halloween puppy chow was a pinterest recipe that I just knew my husband would LOVE. I had actually never had puppy chow until after we were married. Derek on the other hand grew up with the stuff around the holidays, lucky guy! (link to recipe


Carving pumpkins! As promised, Emerson's first pumpkin! I decided to free hand a little owl because I couldn't decide on a design I liked. I think he turned out pretty darn cute! 

Halloween cuteness! I may have went a little overboard with Halloween this year, but I couldn't help it y'all. Emerson's trick or treat bag is filled and ready! 

So what are you loving about fall this year? What fun happenings are going on at your house?

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