Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Baby Pumpkin

On Monday, I mentioned that we got two pumpkins while at the Storybook Ranch pumpkin patch on Sunday. One small that we carved a little owl into and a larger one reserved for something especially fun! I had intended to take these pictures Monday, but the weather was a bit too chilly and I really wanted to take them outside. I'm sure you've heard the saying, "if you don't like the weather in Texas, wait a second and it'll change" and that is exactly what it did. Today the breeze was warm and the sun was shining on our sweet baby pumpkin!

So in love with his precious little grin.

 I get lost in those baby blues constantly, love him!

I had so much fun doing this with my little man and am happy to share him with our family and friends. Happy fall y'all!


  1. He is just the cutest!! Those long legs though!! We need to get him sports ASAP;)
