Friday, June 22, 2012

Three Rings In A Tub

Rub a dub dub, three Rings in a tub! Lately we have integrated bath time in our nightly routine as Emerson has really come to enjoy the quality time with Mommy & Daddy. Here's a peek at our little sailor! 

All clean!

Couldn't resist the obligatory baby booty shot! Just want to pinch those little cheekies!!

Now all snuggled and warm! After bath time we moisturized Emerson's sensitive baby skin with a calming lotion, I dress him in his pj's while Derek picks out a story. Then we all meet in bed for a night time feeding and a good book. By the time the story is finished, E's little belly is full and he is off to dream land. We truly cherish this special time together every night and love that we have fallen so effortlessly into this routine. Sweet dreams!