Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Month Two Favorites

Our sweet little man has been growing so fast, another month has already passed. I can hardly believe that time is just flying by like it is, but I guess that's just how it goes when your having as much fun as we are! Last month I posted a list of items that made life with baby E run a bit smoother, so I decided that I would continue this month. Here is a break down of our faves!

month two favorties

  1. Swaddle Designs Burp Cloths - These burp cloths are thick and luxurious. I love how plush and absorbant they are especially in spit up situations. We have other burp cloths, but these are by far the ones we reach for most often. 
  2. Really Wooly Bible Stories - Emerson has come to know the sound of our voices and reading these bible stories to him has become an essential part of our bedtime routine. Baby E seems to love the repetitive "sing song-ish" verses and Derek and enjoy the sweet illustrations.
  3. Balboa Baby Sling By Dr. Sears - I'm a big advocate of baby wearing and I think this sling is not only incredibly comfortable for me (the shoulder is heavily padded) but it allows Emerson to stay close during my daily chores and usually my movement lulls him right to sleep.
  4. Green Toys Twist Teether - Made out of recycled milk jugs, this teething toy was the first toy that Emerson picked of and waved about. It was so exciting to witness this milestone and since then, it has been a challenge to pry this loved toy away from our little bear's hands!
  5. Bobby Newborn Lounger - We have been using the Boppy since Emerson got home from the hospital but until recently is was mainly just used for napping. Now that he has become much more alert, this little seat goes everywhere with us. I put him in it and he watches and "talks" to me when I'm doing laundry, getting ready in the mornings or working on the computer. In the evenings we put him in it while Derek and I have dinner.
  6. Timi & Leslie Annette Diaper Bag - The thing that I love about this diaper bag is that it looks NOTHING like a diaper bag. I get so many compliments and when women ask where I got my purse and I reveal that it's actually a diaper bag they are shocked. Being a new mommy I am usually covered in spit up and have my hair pulled back in a ponytail, this bag helps me still feel like my pre-baby stylish self.
  7. SwaddleMe Cotton Swaddle Wrap - We used to get away with using a swaddle blanket at night to wrap up our sweet bundle for bedtime, but now that his motor skills are improving he is constantly breaking out of even the most snuggly tucked blankets. With this swaddle wrap we are able to securely fasten baby E in with velcro and he is snug as a bug in a rug. No more swinging arms or kicking legs waking up our precious prince!