Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Month Two

Wow, that was fast! How can it be that Emerson is already two months old? I don't think we will ever be able to get used to just how fast time really flies with a little one. I feel like we were just in the hospital yesterday marveling at baby boy, looking at each other in complete amazement. We still can't believe for the last two months he has been ours!

Month 2

Dear Emerson,
During your first month, we only caught a glimpse of your sweet personality. This month you have really begun to reveal your character and it has been so fun for Daddy and I to "get to know" you. Lately you have been loving when we read to you. You seem to acknowledge our voices and recognize us by voice. It warms our hearts.

You have now officially started holding your head up and do it often. Since you have established control of your head, we have begun propping you up and you absolutely love it! Sitting up with support is by far your favorite activity and honestly it cracks us up seeing you "sitting" like a little man. You smile at us like your in on the joke and it's beyond adorable.

You decided a little while ago that you were ready to start trying to roll over from your back to your tummy. We record your attempts with our digital camera that Daddy bought for mommy specifically to document such milestones and while you have yet to master this new skill, watching you try has been quite entertaining!

By far, your favorite time of day (besides eating) is bath time. It's clear that you love the water by the way you smile, giggle and splash. We get such a kick from covering you in bubbles and watching your reaction to the mounting foam surrounding you. After your bath Daddy bundles you up in a warm fluffy towel to dry you off and then hands you off to me so that I can lotion you and massage you into a relaxed state, signalling that bed time is near. You are so smart that you always pick up on these sleepy time cues. Daddy reads to you while I nurse you into a slumber.

You're beginning to pick up certain toys and lifting them to your mouth. You grip them tightly and with all your might your shake them around furiously before popping them into your mouth. Your favorite toy to do this with is a little giraffe named Sophie. She has become your "go to" toy whenever your in the mood to play.

This month it seems that you have accomplished so many things so quickly. You get compliments all the time on how big and healthy you are. At your last check up you weighed in at 12 pounds and 3 ounces but they didn't measure your length. I would assume that your some where around 23-24.5 inches by the way your clothes are fitting.

Sweet boy, we have had such a great month with you. Daddy and I are having so much fun establishing our little routines with you. You make every day special and we are so lucky to have you!