Monday, May 7, 2012

Inside My Hospital Bag

Now that our sweet little bundle has been home for a little over a month now, I thought I would share what was in my hospital bag when we went to labor and delivery! Being the type A organized nut that I am, I packed our bags well in advanced and provided a check list for myself, Derek and our parents. Although to some that may seem a bit overzealous, in my anxious state it seemed totally rational and reasonable. In hindsight, I'm glad I was so organized because once you enter the hospital to have a baby you are completely consumed in the amazing event that is going on around you and the last thing you want to think about is whether or not you remember your toothbrush! So without further ado, my hospital packing list! 

For Sarah
-  The Birth Binder (this was a binder that contained this packing list, a contact sheet with our friends and family's phone numbers on it to call and give the good news, copies of my insurance and driver's license and new patient documents for Emerson's pediatrician)
-  Nursing Bra
-  Lanolin Nipple Cream (Didn't use this as my milk didn't come in until after I got home)
-  Disposable Nursing Pads (Didn't use this as my milk didn't come in until after I got home)
-  Nursing Pillow
-  Non-slip Socks or Slippers
-  Feminine Pads (Didn't need these as the hospital will provide them for you)
-  Contact Case & Solution
-  Glasses
-  Nursing Pajama Set w/ Robe (Many people will say you don't need these items or that they will get ruined, but it was so nice having them to change into and get out of a hospital gown and nothing got on them at all!)
-  Outfit for Leaving The Hospital (I chose a maxi dress, sandals and a cardigan)
-  Tennis Ball (For pain relief during labor, but I didn't even use it.)
-  Spray Bottle (Filled with ice water for cooling during labor, but again, I didn't end up using it)
-  Make-up Removal Wipes
-  Make-up Bag Packed w/ Essentials (Including dry shampoo, essential for absorbing the oil your hair will produce while sweating during labor)
-  Sunglasses
-  Hair Ties & Headband
-  Breast pump kit w/ bottles (I didn't use this in the hospital, but I was glad I brought it as the lactation consultant showed me how to use it once I got home)
-  Breastfeeding cover
For Derek
-  Lunch Kit with Snacks & Drinks (He didn't end up bringing anything because he forgot, but the hospital provided more than enough so it wasn't really necessary)
-  Cell Phone & Charger
-  Camera & Charger/Batteries
-  Comfortable Change of Clothes
-  Toiletries Bag Packed w/ Travel Size Essentials
-  Sunglasses
For Emerson
-  Receiving Blanket
- Scratch Mittens
-  Socks/Booties
-  First Outfit
-  Outfit for Leaving The Hospital
-  Car Seat & Seat Protector (installed)
-  Car window shades (installed)
-  Packed Diaper Bag