Sunday, April 29, 2012

Month One

It's incredible to us how much Emerson has changed in just one month of life. Watching this baby grow before us is a constant reminder of how great God is! This first month was overwhelming, amazing, scary, fun and everything in between. Being new parents, every little accomplishment seems like a major victory. Every day is a new adventure, never knowing what to expect. Everyone tells us what an "easy" baby Emerson is and for that we count our blessings daily!

Month 1

Dear Emerson,
Your first month went by shockingly fast for Mommy and Daddy. I honestly can still feel your kicks in my tummy like it was yesterday. It still amazes us that you're actually here.

You make Daddy and I laugh daily. You absolutely love to be tickled. Daddy read that babies your age aren't usually laughing yet, but you seem to be the exception to the rule because every time we blow on your tummy you erupt in giggles!

You have begun holding up your head, though very briefly, but for those 30 seconds you seem to absorb so much of the world around you. Your eyes widen and your lips curl into a smile each time. It's a joy to watch you.

We have begun putting you on your tummy and you surprised us by pushing up onto your elbows, again something everyone says you're too young to do. We are beginning to sense a trend here, that you will be playing by your own rules.

You're still nursing about every two and a half to three hours and you have been doing so since about the first week. I enjoy immensely bonding with you in such a special way, so nursing you constantly it's not a bother at all. My favorite moments with you are those when we sit in your rocker in the nursery and your curled up in my arms, looking up at me with your gorgeous blue eyes during a feeding. It literally takes my breath away. You are the best thing that has ever been ours.

Of course with all of that eating you have gained a bit of weight, which we couldn't be happier about! You are a whopping 10 pounds and you are 23.5 inches long! We think you get your height from your grandpa Bob who we lovingly call "Chief".

We have had such a great first month with you. We often sit you on your lounger pillow in our bed just to stare at you and marvel at what an amazing gift you are and wonder what on earth did we do before you came along. Emerson, you fit into our lives so perfectly and we love you beyond words. Can't wait to see what's next!