Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sweet Dreams

Much to our surprise, while out to dinner this evening I began feeling intense contractions. Since I have had a few "false alarms" before and was having an induction in the morning, I tried to shrug them off as simple Braxton Hicks or practice contractions. However after letting my contractions increase in frequency and strength after we got home, we called the doctor and based on the information we provided, he felt that we were indeed in labor. He advised that we head to labor and delivery so Derek, myself and our parents left for Baylor Hospital in Frisco right away. I wanted a natural birth, so I was thrilled to go into labor on my own without the use of any medical intervention. Although I was in pain, I was so excited to be heading to the hospital - we're having a baby!!

We got checked in and the nurses informed us that I was already 6 centimeters dilated and 100% effaced, only 4 centimeters to go and I would be ready to start the process of pushing but that could take hours. So after continuing to labor naturally for a couple of hours trying to endure the most pain I have ever experienced in my life, I broke down and got the epidural. Now that I am virtually pain free I am able to enjoy the experience of giving birth, so the epidural has been such a relief! Its now time for some shut eye because soon our little prince will be here. Sweet dreams!

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