Thursday, March 29, 2012

Labor Of Love

Around 7ish in the morning the nurse reported to us that my labor was moving at a glacial pace. It seemed that after getting a few hours of rest, the epidural had all but stopped my contractions. Despite the slow down, I had some great encouragement from family.

Kisses from Derek...

Hugs from Nana Daphne & Chief Bob...and a loving embrace from Granna Terri.

Then at 8am the doctor stopped by to break my water in hopes that it would speed things back up. Luckily for us, it worked! By 9:45am I began pushing, and pushing... and more pushing!
Finally at 10:37am... Emerson Robert Ring was born!

Our beautiful boy is 8 pounds and 6 ounces & 21 inches long!

Daddy is so excited!

And I can't help but have tears of joy over our sweet bundle!

It was definatly a labor of love and we are happy to say "we did it"!

Emerson Robert,

I can't begin to describe how much you are already loved. You have been welcomed by our family and friends with such open and loving arms. You are both mine and your father's greatest accomplishment and most incredible gift. We are so blessed to have you and we couldn't have asked for more. You are our everything and we promise to love you with our whole hearts for our whole lives.

Love always, Mommy & Daddy

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