Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ready & Waiting

March 20, 2012 : D-Day!

Today is the BIG day, our due date! Our bags are packed and we're ready to go. Derek is at work waiting by the phone and I'm just keeping busy around the house. Considering only 5% of babies are actually born on their predicted date, I'm not holding my breath! I'm just so happy to have made it this far and realize I couldn't have done it without my incredible husband and the support of our families. Love you Derek, happy due date!

March 22, 2012 : Doctor's Appointment

At 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant Derek and I attended our weekly Baby E check up and were advised that if we didn't go into labor naturally shortly, that we would be scheduled for an induction as early as Tuesday, March 27th and as late as Thursday, March 29th. The doctor did a small office procedure where he stripped my membranes in attempts to get labor to begin naturally. Let the waiting begin!

March 26, 2012 : The Call

Monday morning we got the call from our doctor's office that we were confirmed on the induction schedule! Unless our bouncing baby boy decided to come on his own before, we would be heading in to be induced on Thursday, March 29th at 7:30am. Bittersweet relief for this overdue mommy to be!

March 27, 2012 : Our Last Visit

Today was our last visit with Dr. B and it was surreal knowing that the next time we would see him would be in labor and delivery! Though last week's office procedure didn't cause me to go into labor, we looked forward to hearing what the doctor had to say about my progress. We had a great appointment where he informed us that baby Emerson was doing wonderfully and I was 3 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced, which made me a great candidate for a successful induction. He explained the order of procedures that would take place Thursday morning, what medications would be used and their potential side effects. As we left the appointment Derek and I were both filled with excitement knowing that our little boy would be here soon after all of the waiting and great anticipation. How could we be so blessed? How lucky are we to receive this amazing gift! Soon our son will be here with us in our arms - what an incredible gift!

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