Both of my guys joined me for my (one week belated) 20 week ultrasound and check up. We did another anatomy scan to confirm that Mr. Sawyer Wyatt was indeed still a little boy! He indeed was! Sawyer is measuring a week ahead of schedule. Long legs and tall just like his big brother. Emerson was 9 days late despite measuring a week ahead and was almost 9lbs at birth, so we've come to the conclusion we just make big healthy Irish babies!
I still can't seem to get over this little miracle inside me and seeing my second son on the ultrasound monitor brings me so much joy, I could just explode! I feel like we completely hit the lottery with Emerson, as he is literally the perfect combination of Derek and I's personalities. Now, this new little prince is on his way and I can't even begin to imagine what he will be like or look like. Derek is predicting dark hair and dark eyes more like himself since he thinks Emerson is my mini-me in the looks department and I suspect the same. In any case, if he is anything like these two gentlemen, I'd consider myself a pretty lucky lady!
It's so special to me that Derek makes an effort to be at the majority of my doctors appointments and especially those where we will get to say "hi" to Sawyer and watch him wiggle via ultrasound. Derek went to literally every appointment with Emerson and that kind of support and love from your spouse is just so indescribable. I truly know why it takes two to create life, because I just don't know how I could possibly be the mother I am without Derek by my side. He is truly a partner in every way. Even my Papaw often remarks to my mother about what a good team we make. Best compliment in the world from a man who raised three incredible daughter's!
As for me I continue to be having a textbook pregnancy. Despite the typical growing pains and occasional nausea and sleep interuptions I'd say I feel wonderful. Luckily I have been blessed with two very easy pregnancies thus far and we are thanking God daily for that!
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