Monday, January 21, 2013

Make It Happen Monday 1/21

I'd say my first Make it Happen Monday was pretty successful. My intention behind MIHM was to challenge myself to go above and beyond my daily duties and take on projects/to do's that are often designated to the weekend and get them done during the week. My thought was that if I can get these things crossed off my list, that will allow more free time on the weekend to just enjoy ourselves and guess what? That's exactly what we did!

Last Week:
1. FINALLY take down and pack away Christmas (I know... ridiculous)
2.  Clean out the refrigerator
3. Organize and pack away Emerson's outgrown clothes (Donate/trash, keepsakes, hand-me-downs for future siblings)
4. Sensory bath play date with Emerson
5. Make a guest list for Emerson's first birthday

Make it Happen Monday: Week 1/21 - 1/27

1. Clean out the refrigerator (rolled over from last week)
2. Cool whip finger painting with Emerson
3. Guest bathroom re-organization (purchase new towels/donate old)
4. Order Emerson's Easter goodies

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