Friday, December 14, 2012

Finally Friday

I was so excited after Emerson's bath this morning when I put him into his Christmas pajamas instead of a typical outfit of "play clothes". I had been looking forward to The Tichenor Family blog's social media pajama party and seeing tons of babies in their "Christmas Cuteness" all week. Seriously, who wouldn't be in the spirit after all of that inevitable adorableness?

But just a couple hours after, tragedy struck in Connecticut and Santa pajamas just felt trivial. How could I possibly muster a happy holiday post when there were parents that would never be able to spend another Christmas with their children? Emerson was taking a nap when I found out what had happened and when he woke he was giggling and laughing as he usually does, like nothing had changed. Like a ton of bricks it hit me. Sarah Danielle, you are so unbelievably lucky. Lucky to have this time with your baby. Blessed beyond measure. Emerson started smiling and standing up and then falling on his bottom. He began playing with an ornament and mumbling "Dadada". I quickly grabbed my camera and took a few pictures. They weren't what I had planned, I can safely say nothing about today went according to plan...but they were an honest reflection of the real gift God has given Derek and I this year.

My son taught me a valuable lesson today. He reminded me to cherish the little moments, the silly pajamas, the sweet smiles and to not take one second for granted. Thank you Emerson, with your huge heart and infectious grin I'm sure you have many things to teach your Mommy & Daddy. We love you sweet angel.

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