Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sunday Shenanigans

We've all been there. It's the middle of the Sunday sermon and you hear THAT baby. You know the one that starts screaming bloody murder in the middle of the sanctuary? Well, Emerson decided instead of crying, he'd make "toot" noises loud enough for all to hear! I. Was. Mortified. Oh the joys of being a boy mom! 

We packed it in and went into the cry room so I could at least listen to the message, but Emerson Robert was not having it. Don't let that sweet smirk fool you, he was ready to play!

Here's our baby boy pulling himself up onto the furniture...

Then he decided that he no longer wanted to wear his loafers. He took one off and used it to pummel his peacock toy, it was pretty brutal... LOL!

And then those precious baby blues locked in on my cell phone and it was all over. Off he went! Oh sweet Emerson, you are such a joy and we are so thankful for you... but mommy would LOVE for you sit still during church (I know, dream on!). May be it's time for him to start going to the nursery? We'll see!

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