Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Birthday Girl

Today I am 25 and we celebrated this past weekend with some sweet girlfriends Tracy & Kelly Nelsen. I love these sisters so much and was so excited that they we're able to make it to the big D for my special day! 

This evening I celebrated with my mom. Dinner, cake and of course Blue Bell homemade vanilla ice cream. As I previously mentioned we did the majority of celebrating on Saturday. I woke up to mimosas, waffles and bacon in bed which was pretty sweet. I was informed that I'd be getting a massage later that afternoon at my favorite spa in Plano, Pranaa (I did my prenatal yoga there so I have many a fond memory). Prior to my massage I got a much needed mani + pedi. When I got home the girls had arrived and we headed out to catch Twilight Breaking Dawn part 2. The movie was alright, but the company was so much better! 

We had dinner at the Capital Grille and after we ate Derek gave me the Michael Kors watch I had been eyeing! I was SO excited. Then we shared the most rich chocolate cake and I was ready to head home. I had planned on partying the night away, but honestly I missed my baby too much!! I felt kind of silly for wanting to go home and Derek got kind of frustrated with me for a moment... but it's hard for me to be away from Emerson for too long and I was happy that the whole gang was very understanding. 

Despite calling it a night early, it was a a fantastic way to celebrate a quarter century!

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