Thursday, December 20, 2012

Holiday Happenings

Catching up on Christmas today with some instagram snapshots. We have been so busy this December just seems to have flown by. I can't believe its only 5 days until Christmas! SO exciting!

Derek and I went on our ice skating date at the Allen Events Center. 

It was so much fun even though I was pretty horrible. Derek was literally skating circles around me (sometimes backwards!). He was a good sport though and held my hand the majority of the time. He didn't let me fall once! 

We wrapped presents by the fireplace and listened to Christmas music.

Emerson even got in on some cookie decorating. They weren't the prettiest, but the guys had no problem eating them!

I made a cookie plate and matching mug for Santa. 

We made a trip to the mall (because apparently we're insane) and brought home some Christmas blankies and books for Emerson. Derek reads to him while I rock him every night and we have been truly enjoying Derek's "Santa" voice. It cracks us up!

We have been enjoying having a tree in the nursery as well. Emerson's tree is cowboy themed like his nursery and he loves the lights and shiny red ornaments. I don't ever want to take it down!

Well thats a look around our house for the past few days. More holly jolly to come! Merry Christmas Y'all!

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