Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas Questionnaire

1.) As of right now, how many sleeps until Christmas? 

2.) What is number one on your wish list?
I'd love Santa to bring me back my pre-baby body (LOL) but I'd happily settle for a sexy date night clutch and some fun embellished ballet flats.

  3.) How do you get in the holiday spirit? 
Christmas music, decorating the house and Starbucks Christmas drinks (hello peppermint mocha!!)

4.) What goes on on Christmas Eve at your house?
 We attend the candlelight service and then come home and open our stockings. Our stockings are filled with Christmas eve pajamas and candy (other fun little stocking gifts don't come until after Santa comes!). We all get into our jammies and grab our sweets and snuggle in for a Christmas movie (or two!). Then off to bed so Santa can come ;)

5.) How does Santa operate at your house?
Since Emerson is SO young, all of his gifts will be wrapped and are from Mommy and Daddy this year. In the years to come we'll likely do what my parents did growing up. Gifts from mom & dad were wrapped and we opened them on Christmas Eve to make room for Santa's gifts that "appeared" under the tree (unwrapped) come Christmas morning! Of course cookies and milk were left on the hearth for the big guy too.

6.) What's a tradition you love?
I love attending the Houston Ballet's performance of the Nutcracker. As a little girl I remember seeing my dad in a suit and watching my mom put on her makeup and special jewelry and then she'd get us all dressed up for the event. Now when I see the performance as an adult it really touches my heart. 
7.) Do you give gifts?

8.) What's your favorite holiday drink?
Hot Toddys... they are my hubby's fave too!

9.) What about your favorite holiday food?
My mother's fudge is insane. It is requested by almost everyone I know and she totally spoils Derek by making him his own private stash every year!

10.) What is your favorite Christmas movie?
It's a tie between "It's a Wonderful Life" and the original "Miracle on 34th Street" with Natalie Wood.

11.) If you worked in Santa's workshop, what would you be doing?
Christmas kareoke with the elves after a few hot toddy's!

12.) Who do you TAG?
I tag any and everyone! Be sure to comment and let me know if you post :)


  1. What a fun Christmas for you and your family! Extra special this year with baby Emerson I'm sure! I went a head & did mine on my blog! Thanks for posting :)
