Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Haunting!

Emerson's first Halloween was pretty spooktacular! On Sunday baby E wore his fun jack-o-lantern smock to church. After the service we headed to Historic downtown McKinney where they had decorated the square with stacked hay and tractors. Just like his daddy, Emerson was fascinated by the machinery.

When we got home we decided to let Emerson dig in to his treat bag since Halloween was on a weekday and we didn't anticipate on taking him trick or treating being that he is only 7 months old!

I can't believe that he is already standing at every opportunity... it takes my breath away!

Someone was completely spoiled with Halloween goodies!

On the "real" Halloween we had my mother over for dinner and planned on staying home and passing out candy while watching A Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. However, my mother insisted that being Emerson's first Halloween that he MUST dress up. Being last minute I decided that I would make something instead of heading to the store for a picked over costume selection. I have hosted so many parties over the years and have a box full of party props from doing photobooths, so I dug out a red boa, Mickey Mouse ears and some orange tulle from my Halloween projects. Threw them all together and created this sweet fluffy Elmo costume. I just loved how it turned out!!

I know I'm biased, but seriously Emerson couldn't have been cuter! All of the trick or treaters and their parents knew exactly what he was the second we opened the door and almost all of them were shocked when I admitted to them that I made the costume that morning. My crafting confidence was seriously boosted after this one (watch out for my swollen head over here! HA!). All in all it was a great first BOO for the little one and Mommy and Daddy too!

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