Friday, November 23, 2012

Gobble Til You Wobble

On a day that celebrates thankfulness, abundance and family... we invite you to join us for Emerson's first Thanksgiving! It was such a special holiday for us this year. My heart was just so full. We feel blessed daily, but Thanksgiving is such a special time that allows us to pause and really focus on what is most important. Each other.

I set the table while Derek worked on the ham & turkey. 

Emerson enjoyed the parade while we put on the finishing touches to our meal. 

Once family arrived it was time to eat! 


Post turkey nap time!

It was a great day filled with fun, food and football! We sincerely have so much to be thankful for this year!

1 comment:

  1. Happy 1st Thanksgiving Emerson! He is so darling & growing up so fast! LOVE the turkey hat haha
