Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Blessed Baptism

Emerson Robert Ring was baptized by Martin "Marty" Nicholas on Sunday June 3, 2012 in a private ceremony amongst family and friends at Sugar Land First United Methodist Church. It was such a special occasion for us all. Truly a blessed baptism! 

Emerson's baptismal bubble was hand made and monogrammed just for his special day. 

Our precious baby boy looked so handsome!

As always, the sanctuary was beautiful. We felt so honored to be welcomed into the church with open arms and look forward to watching Emerson grow in his faith surrounded by such a wonderful church family.

Craig & Taylor Connor were recognized as Emerson's Godparents. A sentiment we hold very dear to our hearts. Their son, Parker was even able to attend the baptism and he was so sweet and gentle with the baby.

Family came from near and far to witness, and we were very happy to have them.

After the dedication and taking a few pictures, we were off to Mia Bella for a fantastic Italian brunch.


It's days like these that remind us how truly blessed we are and how lucky we are to received the most precious gift God can give. Thank you all who attended for creating such an incredible memory for us. Emerson had a lovely day and was completely tuckered out for the ride home!