Thursday, April 5, 2012

Mr. Bubbles

Emerson's first bath was a hilarious scenario. First off, being newbie parents we didn't know what all we would need to have on hand when bathing a new born... so we rounded up all of our bath gear and realized that we had accumulated three baskets of bath goodies! Now I am a self proclaimed "girly girl" who loves her bubble bath, lotions and potions but even I don't have THIS much stuff. It was comical to say the least! 

Once we established that all we really needed was bubble bath and a wash cloth, we got started. We have this cute little rubber ducky that indicates if the water is too hot for delicate baby skin and that came in very handy when testing the waters at bath time. After the water was at the right temperature we covered our little boy in bubbles. He wasn't too keen on it, but his facial expressions were cracking us up!

After we scrub-a-dub-dubbed our little man in the tub, we lotioned him up and wrapped him in his yellow ducky towel.

Derek and I really enjoyed the experience and I think after some getting used to, Emerson will come around to his nightly bath time!