Thursday, February 16, 2012

Our Little Valentine

This year Valentines day was quite the adventure. It all began around 5:30pm when Derek called me to tell me he was leaving his down town office and would be home in an hour or so. I decided I'd take a relaxing shower and get myself pretty for our V-Day date night when all of the sudden, my back began aching terribly. I proceeded with my shower in hopes the warm water would help with my back pain, but it persisted to no avail. Derek arrived home just in time for the first of many contractions to come. We decided to go ahead and call our doctor just "in case".

And it was a good thing we did! Turns out I was in preterm labor, contractions 10 minutes apart and I was already 2cm dialated. Not exactly a good thing considering were still a month away from Emerson's due date. Just when we thought we'd be getting a VERY special Valentine, the nurses in labor and delivery were able to control my contractions with IV medication. We were released the next morning at 5:30am completely exhausted and with strict bedrest orders for me.

We decided to have a "belated Valentine's" at home despite it being Derek's birthday since this would be our last before becoming parents. Here is a little peak into our low key celebration... first, I made an M&M cookie cake for my sweet husband.
And some chocolate covered strawberrys for myself (not to worry, I shared!).
We decided to have our meal infront of the cozy fireplace instead of the dining table.
Derek brought me pink hydrangeas (my favorite!) and I made peppercorn crusted steak, roasted plum tomatoes and spinach with cream sauce.
After dinner I put on my fluffy pink robe and we snuggled on the couch for a romantic movie. I couldn't ask for a more relaxing Valentine's and understanding husband. It was truly a celebration of our love despite being confined to the house!

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